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Sansin’s Firestop97 Meets ASTM E2768 Fire Test Standard

Sansin’s Firestop97 has passed the requirements of ASTM E2768 Standard Test Method for Extended Duration Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials – 30-Minute Tunnel Test.

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Sansin’s Firestop97 has passed the requirements of ASTM E2768 Standard Test Method for Extended Duration Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials – 30-Minute Tunnel Test.

The purpose of this fire-test-response standard is to evaluate the ability of a product to limit the surface spread of flame when evaluated for 30 minutes. This fire-test-response standard uses the apparatus and procedure of Test Method E84 with the total test period extended to 30 minutes.

Now, FireStop97 can be used as part of an Alternate Means and Methods to omit sprinklers per the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 13 Standard based on the extended 30-minute test results.

“We are pleased to see our FireStop97 meet the expanded requirements for wood-based construction,” said Caroline March-Long, Sansin’s director of Sales & Marketing. “Our non-toxic, intumescent interior coating can now help the industry meet more stringent flame spread requirements.”

FireStop97 is available in white, pastel or light-colored wood tones. It is designed for use as a self-priming paint for wood substrates including SPF plywood, Oriented Strand Board, wood trusses, glue laminated/cross laminated timbers, constructions studs and many assemblies where improved fire retardant is required.

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