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Choose Your View

For those who are passionate about decking, the choice of railing is often seen as the accessory that can complement the surroundings and bring it to life. There are many things to consider when selecting railing for your outdoor space, such as how and when you will be using it.

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For those who are passionate about decking, the choice of railing is often seen as the accessory that can complement the surroundings and bring it to life. There are many things to consider when selecting railing for your outdoor space, such as how and when you will be using it. One other factor that homeowners often overlook is the view they want to achieve while they use their deck.
Below are some areas of consideration as you help homeowners choose their view.

Directional vs. Multidirectional

Depending on how the deck or balcony is situated, homeowners may only need to achieve a single directional view. In this case, the railing can be a mix of materials that allow you to achieve the optimal view in the section where it’s necessary while the remainder of the railing can be constructed from materials that offer more privacy and are more cost effective.
For a multidirectional view where you want visual clearance that spans the entire length of the deck, choose materials that provide a panoramic view and allow homeowners to enjoy the landscape even if they are lounging in a chair.

Metal Railing

Aluminum, steel or iron balusters offer a better view than composite, wood or vinyl, since they typical have a slimmer profile. Choosing a round baluster with no definitive edge in a dark color allows the metal to fade into the background and become less visible from both the deck and at a distance.

Glass Slats or Acrylic Panels

When it comes to glass or acrylic, homeowners have several options. Full acrylic panels can act as a buffer for wind, but are not recommended for beachfront properties where wind-blown sand can ruin the panels. Tempered glass slats allow for some airflow with less damage to the infill. Full glass panels are typically discouraged since they are hard to maintain and cause accelerated fade issues on decking due to prism effect.

Horizontal Cable Railing

Horizontal cable railing is the optimum choice for achieving a superior view. Cable virtually disappears into the landscape while being both stylish and easier to maintain compared to glass or acrylic. Depending on the climate where the homeowner lives, cable rail should be cleaned two to four times per year to prevent corrosion.

Save on Stairs

It is very unlikely that homeowners will sit on their stairs to enjoy the scenery. You can save them a few dollars on both material and installation by suggesting a stair railing that offers less of a view, but still gets the job done.

Privacy Please

Homeowners who are seeking the opposite of a view can opt for more traditional railing such as vinyl, wood or composite. Homes with pools typically seek additional privacy as well as a higher option such as walls or fencing for added security.
Educating homeowners on all their options when it comes to choosing their railing view will make them feel more confident about their purchase and experience greater enjoyment with the finished project.


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