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A Case for Portable Generators

The Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association urges contractors who rely on portable generators to speak up against a new Consumer Product Safety Commission proposed rule that would ban portable generators that don’t comply with the Commission’s carbon monoxide requirements.

The PGMA’s website against the proposed rule that bans certain portable generators.

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Last month, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) proposed a rule that would ban portable generators on store shelves that lack adequate carbon monoxide (CO) detection, and an automatic shutoff feature when too much CO is being emitted.

According to the CPSC, the proposed rule would save over 2,100 lives and prevent over 126,000 injuries over the coming decades, and would save the American people over $1 billion in costs per year related to those deaths and injuries.

However, the Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association (PGMA) disagrees, arguing that the rule isn’t taking into consideration the current industry-wide standard, ANSI/PGMA G300-2018, that requires built-in CO detection and automatic shutoffs that already protect against 98.3% of CO incidents from misuse.

Consequently, the PGMA is urging users of portable generators, including outdoor living contractors who rely on generators to supply power on jobsites, to join them in opposing the ruling.

Opponents have until one month after the comment period opens to make their voices heard. After that time, the public comment period will close. The commission is slated to vote on the final version in September.

PGMA has created a dedicated website,, that puts construction professionals in direct contact with their legislators and the CPSC to let their opinions be known.

About PGMA

The Portable Generator Manufacturers’ Association (PGMA) is a trade association that seeks to develop and influence safety and performance standards for our industry’s products. The Association is also dedicated to educating consumers and tradespersons on the safe use of portable generators and has developed the Take it Outside campaign to support its mission. Formed in 2009, PGMA members include major manufacturers of portable generators sold in North America, and a significant majority of the industry. Visit for more information.


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